Detailed informations |
Preparation: CtP (Computer to Plate)
We have acquired a Swiss CtP system Lüscher, Xpose! UVconventional for digital imaging printing plates.
Maximum plate size is 1130x950 mm, minimum size is 500x360 mm and available plate thickness ranges from 0.15 to 0.40 mm.
This platesetter uses 32 laser diodes, emitting monochromatic blue light beams with 405 nm wavelength. Imaging resolution is 2400dpi.
Perfect consistency from plate to plate is achieved by an automatic positioning system based on the symmetric plate input (plate centring) or by using pre-punched plates (Bacher 2000 system).
Our plates are processed by Raptor 85 Thermal plate processor from Glunz&Jensen.
Raster image is prepared by XITRON Navigator GPS v.8.3.
The projects are ripped with Adobe Apogee Prepress Manager 8.0 software. We use PDF Organizer B1 Pro from AC&C HSH Group to assemble and impose sheets.
For proofing purposes we have installed GMG ColorProof 5.1 system with EPSON Stylus Pro 9600 inkjet printer and EPSON Stylus Pro 4880 inkjet printer. This system can produce contract-quality proofs, which can simulate production results, while it may also be used for colour imposition proofs.
Technical requirements for delivered projects
* Detailed description sent along with the data. The description has to include: trimmed page size, screen ruling required, screen angles (if non-standard), required spot colours (exactly named) and full-scale preview or hard-copy.
* File format: PDF files only, conforming to version standard up to 1.6.
* Colour jobs (including spots) should be saved as Composite CMYK (unseparated). Black-only jobs should be saved as Black & White or Greyscale (if screens are used).
* File names should match intended usage (like „Page01.pdf”). Only basic ASCII characters (ie. no accents) are allowed in the file name.
* Every page should include cut marks, registration marks and separation names.
* Files should be prepared for imaging resolution 2400 dpi and screen ruling
175 lpi (unless other screen ruling is required).
* Any bleeds should be at least 3 mm larger than trim size.
* For advertising, bleeds must be used on all four sides.
* For perfect bound jobs please remember that inside covers, as well as first and last pages of the book block, will be glued for up to 8-10 mm from the spine side (side gluing). Please design these pages accordingly so that this area is free of ink.
* For spreads, please send separate files for left and right page of the spread.
* Thin lines should be one colour only.
* The width of the thin line should be no less than 0.03 pt.
* Use overprint for black text on non-white background.
* Jobs should not contain „composite black” for neither text nor graphics.
Most common errors
* no fonts included or fonts not converted to outlines
* using low-resolution images (or unresolved OPI comments)
* no bleeds or incorrectly sized bleeds
* RGB colours, or colour definition other than CMYK/Pantone
* composite black text or graphics
* hairlines or other lines too thin to be consistently reproduced in printing
Delivering projects for production
* public FTP server (contact us for logging informations)
* CD-R or DVD-R written using ISO format (PC)
* e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (max 10 MB)